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Music for Body and Space

CHOREOPHONICS è un corpus di composizioni o Coreofonie dedicate alla Danza Contemporanea nel quale sono raccolti frammenti di un percorso estetico e le tappe del lavoro sulle Forme della scrittura musicale per il Movimento . Sono composizioni collegate a specifiche coreografie, tutte allestite e rappresentate in Teatri e musei d'Arte Contemporanea, o sono frutto di Coreofonie site-specific per luoghi non convenzionali realizzate utilizzando anche strutture architettoniche e geologiche come strumenti risonanti.
REMAINS III  / Choreophonics  / Phonè Archive / MYSTERYSONATA
Music From "Mysterisonata" - Modern Ballet - commissione Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo / R.Bianco
Maxxi Museo Roma / Fond. Sandretto Re Rebaudengo / LIMONE Fonderie Teatrali / Teatro Franco Parenti MI / GALLERIA Borbonica / Giorgio Persano Gallery

Music from " Ed è subito Sera" - Modern Ballet 

inspired by "Ed è subito sera" (S.Quasimodo) 
Choreographer R.Bianco 
BE®T Contemporary Ensemble 08


BE®T plays Shards of his own Opera LANDSCAPE and REMAINS with 5 Sources Live at the same time following his Audio Concept to create a physical perception of lower frequencies by SuB Woofer special seats designed in partnership with Contemporary Artists ALIS-FILLIOL

PHONé is a Pre-Audit Archive of experimental acoustic and research process for Coreo-Composition (Choreophonics) and site-specific SOUND-SCAPE opera designed and realized by I.Bert



Rain, Wind, Drops, Waves, Absent Voices, Ringing, Tunnel Resonances, Thunders are all extract from Silences of " Rosenkranzsonaten " by H.I.Franz Biber recording session only using Analog Filters and layering.  


Shards of "Rosenkranzsonaten" by H.I.Franz Biber.

All this sounds and melodyes are raw material used to compose MYSTERYSONATA for the Ballet MYSTERY SONATA #1

Fu Xya Fuga I - IVAN BE®T Music for Ballet MYSTERY SONATA (R. BIANCO)
The choreographer puts up the question: in the world where we live, what is real? our perception of the visible or the obscure impalpable and unknown dimension we are plunged in? Or maybe both? And above all what is the connection between?

REMAINS III  / Choreophonics  / Phonè Archive / MYSTERYSONATA
Music From "Mysterisonata" - Modern Ballet - commissione Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo / R.Bianco
Maxxi Museo Roma / Fond. Sandretto Re Rebaudengo / LIMONE Fonderie Teatrali / Teatro Franco Parenti MI 

BE®T plays Shards of his own Opera LANDSCAPE and REMAINS with 5 Sources Live at the same time following his Audio Concept to create a physical perception of lower frequencies by SuB Woofer special seats designed in partnership with Contemporary Artists ALIS-FILLIOL

PHONé is a Pre-Audit Archive of experimental acoustic and research process for Coreo-Composition (Choreophonics) and site-specific SOUND-SCAPE opera designed and realized by I.Bert

COREOFONIE IV - étude sur le Mistère / PHONè Archive

PHONè is a Pre-Audit Archive of experimental acoustic and research process for Choreo-composition and site-specific SOUND-SCAPE design by contemporary Sound Artist and Composer Ivan Bert.


(I.Bert - R.Bianco)

Bunker ANTIATOMICO NATO Presidente della Repubblica

Monte SORATTE - Roma IT


(I.Bert - R.Bianco)

Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo - TO

MaXXi Museo - Roma / Museo CASTELLO di Rivoli - TO 

ASA Gallery - Sarajevo


TRE COLORI - Trittico di Musica Italiana - ATTO III VILIPENDIUM

LIMONE Fonderie Teatrali - TO

(I.Bert - L.Einaudi - S.Sciarrino - R.Bianco)


LIMONE Fonderia Teatrali - TO

Cavallerizza Reale - TO

(I.Bert - G.Verdi - R.Bianco)


(I.Bert - R.Bianco)

Galleria Borbonica - NA

TRE COLORI - Trittico di Musica Italiana 

LIMONE Fonderie Teatrali - TO

(I.Bert - L.Einaudi - S.Sciarrino - R.Bianco)


OGR Officine Grandi Riparazioni - TO

(I.Bert - Elena Rolla)


(I.Bert - R.Bianco)

Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo - TO

MaXXi Museo - Roma / Museo CASTELLO di Rivoli - TO 

ASA Gallery - Sarajevo


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